Support Us

The volunteers who manage, run and maintain Snowball Scout Activity Centre are committed to an ongoing development plan that improves the facilities to allow guests enjoy opportunities for constructive activities, recreation, nature and learning through adventures.

There are lots of different ways that you can support Snowball Scout Activity Centre to develop and grow.

You can support us by:

Enjoying a break on a Snowball work day

Volunteering opportunities with the Snowball team

Snowball Scout Activity Centre is wholly run and managed by a team of committed volunteers, who would welcome any additional help that you might be able to provide. We can accommodate any level of ability and skills, you don’t have to be Nick Knowles to volunteer with us. You could have practical, technical, media, organisational or people skills that you would like to use for the ultimate benefit of the young people.

We currently have particular vacancies in the following areas:

  • Wardens
  • Marketing
  • Media
  • Fundraising

Please contact our chairman by emailing to offer your support .

Can you help on our workdays?

Volunteers working at Snowball

If you have a willingness to help us improve the site, and fancy a free lunch why not come down and join the team of volunteers, or contact our Estates Manager, by emailing

Sponsorships and donations

Are you interested in providing sponsorship for any of our ongoing projects, supporting us with donations of goods, equipment or making a donation towards the management of the site?

If so, please contact our chairman, on

See below for details of some of the organisations that have helped us.

Thank you to organisations that have helped us...

  • The Shepherd Building Group
  • The Sylvia and Colin Charitable Trust
  • The York Children’s Fund
  • York’s Rotary Clubs
  • The Crux Fund
  • Cube (Yorkshire) Ltd – Groundworks Contractor
  • Personal Donors to the Camp Fire Project
  • The Aviva Group Staff Volunteering Team
  • The HSBC Staff Volunteering Team
  • York Council for Voluntary Service
  • The Forestry Commission
  • Vertigrow Limited
Aviva community fund logo

Conservatory entrance to Snowball Lodge – In the autumn of 2016 Snowball Plantation were successful in their bid for £1000 of funding towards the conservatory entrance to Snowball Lodge. This will allow the young people to be able to remove their outdoor wear before entering the building and keep the inside of the main hall clean and uncluttered.

Thank you Aviva Community Fund for providing this opportunity to organisations like ours, and make it possible for us to provide additional facilities that benefit our future generations.